Oxford Interfaith Forum Welcomes Professor Lisa Miller, Founder of the Spirituality Body Mind Institute at Columbia University (USA)

25 April, 2023

The Oxford Interfaith Forum was honoured to welcome Professor Lisa Miller, Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University (USA), Founder of the Spirituality, Mind, Body Institute (SMBI) at the Teachers College, Columbia University, and the New-York Times Bestselling Author of The Spiritual Child and The Awakened Brain, in Oxford from 24 to 26 April, 2023.

On 25 April, Professor Miller delivered a lecture in the University College. She presented her new book The Awakened Brain which draws on decades of clinical experience and award-winning research. Professor Miller explained that humans are universally equipped with this capacity for spirituality, and that our brains become more resilient and robust as a result of it. Bringing scientific rigour to the most intangible aspect of our lives, Professor Miller revealed the measurable positive effects of spirituality: for better decision-making, a healthier brain and an inspired life. Following the presentation, Professor Miller led a roundtable discussion with the participation of the Oxford academics in Science and Religions fields. After the event, Professor Miller gifted free copies of her book to all attendees.

Among our attendees, we were delighted to welcome Mr Bob Boisture, President of the Fetzer Institute, together with his wife Mary Margaret Pipkin

Video Recording of the Lecture

After the lecture, Professor Miller visited the Ashmolean Museum to explore ancient treasures and contemporary art

Prof Lisa Miller with Dr Miguel Farias, Departmental lecturer in Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford

Our deep gratitude to Revd Dr Andrew Gregory, and University College for their generous hospitality