Peace and Interfaith Education: World Interfaith Harmony Week 2024

10 February, 2024

The Winner of the World Interfaith Harmony Week award 2023


The Johaness Lähnemann Interfaith Peacebuilding Lecture within the framework of World Interfaith Harmony Week


11:00-12:00 Interfaith Harmony: Singing Together, Across Languages and Times

Led by Professor Henrike Lähnemann with St Edmund Consort, a part of the One World Family Festival at the Ashmolean Museum.

Venue: Gallery 14, Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont St, Oxford. OX1 2PH.

This event presents music from medieval religious illuminated manuscripts from the Bodleian Library. The performance will also feature songs in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, and English for all to join, and will be interspersed with the sound of shofar and shell horn.

Music list: Shofar: Call to celebrating unity; ‘Cantate domino’ (Bodleian, MS. Don. e. 248, 247v); ‘Cantate domino’ (Giuseppe Pitoni); ‘Lumen ad revelacionem’ (MS. Lat. liturg. e. 18, 8r); Shell horn: Call to preserving nature; ‘Every part of this earth shall holy be for us’ (round by Stephan Vesper); Sea weed horn: Call to peace; ‘Hinema tov’ (round, orally transmitted); Horn: ‘Üsküdar’a gider iken’; ‘Victime paschali’ & ‘Christ ist erstanden’ (Bodleian, MS. Lat. liturg. f. 4); ‘Dona nobis pacem’ (round, orally transmitted).

Image: Shofar player opening Psalm 80, with the caption ‘Sing a new song unto the Lord’ in a Psalter manuscript from the German convent of Medingen, ca. 1500, Bodleian Library, MS. Don. e. 248, fol. 145v.


14:00-15:30 The Johannes Lähnemann Interfaith Peacebuilding Lecture

If you would like to attend online, please, register below:

If you would like to attend in-person, please, register below:

Venue: Taylor Institution Library, Room 2, St Giles, Oxford. OX1 3NA.


Welcome: Dr Thea Gomelauri, Director of the Oxford Interfaith Forum

Opening Address
Professor Julian Stern, Director of the World Religions and Education Research Unit at Bishop Grosseteste University

Keynote lecture: Building Effective Resilience in Troubled Times: Interfaith Women Peacebuilders.
Professor Azza Karam, a Member of the United Nations Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, President and CEO of Women’s Learning Partnership, and Secretary-General Emerita at Religions for Peace International (NY).

Closing Address
Professor Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia OBE KSG, Chair of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha and Nishkam Group of Organisations, Trustee of Religions for Peace International (NY), and President of Religions for Peace (UK).

Book Presentation
Interreligious Learning and Peace Education: A History of Religions for Peace
by Author Johannes Lähnemann

All attendees will receive a pre-print copy of the book by Johannes Lähnemann.

Recordings of the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2024

The World Interfaith Harmony Week 2024

Report by Jyotveer Singh Gill

Professor Dr theol. Johannes Lähnemann is a Member of Peace Education Standing Commission (PESC) of the international movement Religions for Peace (RfP). His main research fields are ‘World Religions in Education’ and ‘Religions and Peace Education’. He initiated triennial meetings of the Nuremberg Forums bringing together theologians, religious scholars, educators, politicians, and cultural workers for education and cultural encounters. Amongst multiple international interreligious initiatives, he founded the Interdisciplinary Center for Islamic Religious Education, one of the first German training centers for Islamic religious education teachers, and undertook the research project ‘The Representation of Christianity in School Books in Islamic Countries’. Professor Lähnemann has been awarded: Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2008),  Muhammad Nafi Chelebi Prize (2008), Höffmann Science Prize for Intercultural Competence from the University of Vechta (2013), and INTRA Project Prize for Complementarity of Religions (2014), for his outstanding contribution to Peace and Interreligious Relations worldwide.

 Professor Dr theol. Johannes Lähnemann’s Publications:

In addition, the Oxford Interfaith Forum will gift all attendees with a copy of the New York Times bestselling book The Awakened Brain: The Psychology of Spirituality, donated by its author, Professor Lisa Miller, Founder of the Spirituality, Mind, Body Institute (SMBI) at Columbia University.

‘Lisa Miller is the leading psychologist of her generation’ – Martin Seligman.

‘We can live chasing goals and rewards, lost in worries and regrets. Or we can awaken to the true fabric of the world, an evolving tapestry that we both behold and help to create, in which every thread matters and no strand stands alone.’


  1. […] February 2024, 11:15-12:00, organised by the Oxford Interfaith Forum  as part of the One World Family Festival at the Ashmolean […]

  2. […] the Ashmolean, followed 2pm by a lecture on World Religions and Peace Education organised by the Oxford Interfaith Forum in the […]

  3. […] February 2024, 11:15-12:00, organised by the Oxford Interfaith Forum  as part of the One World Family Festival at the Ashmolean […]

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