11 January, 2024
We are deeply honoured to welcome Professor Najeeba Syeed, El-Hibri Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith Institute at Augsburg University, USA, to lead a session of the Peacebuilding in Interfaith Contexts Reading Group.
Here are the details of this fascinating event.

Topic: Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Christian and Muslim Resources for Restorative Justice
Abstract: Religion is often viewed as the source of conflict and violence, but Professor Syeed will discuss how diverse traditions can foster connection, non-violence, and interfaith understanding. She will explore the concept of interfaith just peacemaking, and will address the question – how do we build conflict interventions that prize restoration over retribution from spiritual sources, and practices based on scripture, oral traditions and the history of religious communities? Professor Syeed will share examples of restorative peacebuilding in violent conflicts which instead of violence seek a third way to resolve controversies. Attendees will learn how we can function as engaged members of our current social contexts that build relational ethics for a collective future for us all.
Speaker: Professor Najeeba Syeed, El-Hibri Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith Institute
Interfaith Institute, Augsburg University, USA, and a Senior Fellow of the Oxford Interfaith Forum, UK.
Speaker’s biography: Professor Syeed is the inaugural El-Hibri Chair and Executive Director of Interfaith Institute at Augsburg University. She was an Associate Professor of Interreligious Education at Claremont School of Theology from 2010-2020. She has been a professor, expert practitioner and public speaker for the last two decades in the fields of conflict resolution, interfaith studies, mediation, restorative Justice, education, social, gender and racial equity. Her research articles have focused on: 1) Faith based community based conflict resolution 2) Restorative and Healing Justice and 3) Interfaith just peacemaking and social justice hermeneutics for interfaith learning. She co-edited the book “Critical Approaches to Interreligious Education,” a project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation. This book features leading Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars reflecting on interfaith peacemaking between and amongst communities.
Chair: Dr Pavlo Smytsnyuk, Senior Fellow of the Oxford Interfaith Forum and Mary Seeger O’Boyle Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University.
Date: 11 January, 2024
Time: 18:00-19:00 GMT| 19:00-20:00 CEST | 10:00-11:00 PST | 13:00-14:00 EST
Venue: online
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