July 31 – August 11, 2023
Created by Professor Gary A. Rendsburg: [email protected]
How would you like to see actual Hebrew manuscripts written by the great medieval Jewish sage Maimonides himself (1140–1205)?!?
How would you like to see the Kennicott Bible, produced in La Coruña, Spain (1476), the crown jewel of all medieval Hebrew manuscripts?!?
How would you like to gaze at Codex Sinaiticus, the nearly complete Greek Bible dating to the time of Constantine the Great (4th century)?!?
Well, here is your chance!
World-renowned scholar Gary Rendsburg, distinguished Professor of Jewish history at Rutgers University, and a Patron of the Oxford Interfaith Forum, has created a bespoke tour, “England as the Custodian of the Jewish Past,” to take place this coming summer, July 31 – August 11, 2023 – organized with Sababa Travel, Westfield, N.J., U.S.A.

The tour is a truly unique opportunity, designed especially for people like yourselves: intellectually curious with a profound interest in comparative religion.
The highlights are Oxford, Cambridge, and London (both British Library and British Museum), though with trips to other locales as well (Stonehenge, Salisbury Cathedral, Blenheim Palace, Bletchley Park, etc.).
It truly is a special experience, to enter the Bodleian Library and the Cambridge University Library, to see the treasures of the Jewish past – not just the items mentioned above, but so much more as well.
Full itinerary is available here:
Professor Rendsburg produced two short videos available at his YouTube channel.
This truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, please consider joining Gary on this singular adventure!
Pricing and booking information here: