Jacob Chengwei Feng is a Fellow at Oxford Interfaith Forum and holds a Ph.D. degree in Theological Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA, USA). He is a recipient of the 2024 ARTFinc prize offered by the journal Christian Perspective of Science and Technology and Logos 2022 Scholarship.
Born and raised in China as an atheist, he became a Christian while pursuing his Ph. D in Physics in the USA. After graduating with a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, he worked in the financial institutions on Wall Street in New York City for ten years. Then, upon God’s calling, he resigned from his job to serve as a full-time pastor in his church. His church affiliation is the Local Church, or the “Little Flock,” founded by Watchman Nee in 1922 in China. He has been a teaching assistance for master students at Fuller Theological Seminary since 2022. His research interests include systematic theology, Chinese theology, Pentecostalism, theology-religion-science trialogue, and ecumenical and interfaith dialogue with world religions. Jacob is a member of the American Society of Missiology, International Society for Science and Religion, Society for Pentecostal Studies, Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion, and Evangelical Theological Society.
Feng JC. ‘Seven Spirits from Patmos: Towards a Decolonial Chinese Theology for the Third Millennium’ in Journal for Research of Christianity in China 21:1 (2023);
Feng JC. ‘The China Aspiration in Light of Jacob’s Narrative (Genesis 25:19–36:43): Toward a Chinese Public Theology for Human Flourishing in the Third Millennium’ in International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 25:1 (2023);
Feng JC. ‘Alister McGrath and China: Toward a Chinese Theology and Science on Transhumanism for the Third Millennium’ in Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1111/dial.12830;
Feng JC. ‘Pneumasis/Pneumafication Based on Romans 8:1–17: Highlighting the Spirit’s Role in Deification’ in Religions 14: 9 (2023): 1210;
Feng JC. ‘Holistic Wisdom from a Chinese Perspective: Abrahamic Faiths’ Earliest Encounters with China’ in Religions 14, no. 9 (2023).
Feng JC. (2022b) Addressing the Needham Question from a Theological Perspective: Toward a Chinese Theology of Holistic Wisdom. Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/zygo.12787.
Feng C (2022a) The Local Churches’ Ecclesiology and Its Contribution to the Glocal Church. Journal of The Evangelical Theological Society forthcoming.
Feng C (2017) 希伯来圣经文本之多样性与单一性和圣经汉译 The Textual Pluriformity vs. Uniformity of the Hebrew Bible and Chinese Bible Translation. Foreign Language Research in China 中国外语研究 3(1).
Feng C (2016a) 保罗•魏格纳的翻译理论与圣经汉译 Paul Wegner’s Translation Theory and Chinese Bible Translation. Foreign Languages Research 外语研究 155(1): 74-80.
Feng C (2016b) 死海古卷中大以赛亚书卷与马所拉文本的比较 A Comparison of the Great Isaiah Scroll in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Masoretic Text. Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 基督教文化学刊 36(Autumn).
Against the Tide: The Local Churches’ Ecclesiology in the Colonial Context and Its Contribution to a Global Church. Evangelical Theological Society, Systematic Theology General Studies, Fort Worth (TX), 16 November 2021.
Reproducible Disciple-making Based on Relationship Upgrading. Truth Matters but Life Matters More Conference, Singapore, November 2016.