We are pleased to announce the launch of an International Interfaith Reading Group on Peacebuilding in Interfaith Contexts which will explore this diverse issue from intercultural and interdisciplinary perspectives in interfaith contexts.

All the religions of the world contain narratives, symbols, and metaphors of violence and aggression. Every religious tradition has either fallen victim to or sanctioned violence. How is it that religions – which supposedly espouse peace, love, and harmony – are so commonly connected with intolerance and violent aggression? Is violence inherent to religion or there is something unique to religion that leads to aggression and violence? Social scientists are divided on the issue. Violence inspired by religious intolerance is more easily described than defined. Yet, in this era of turbulence and uncertainty, interfaith collaboration offers an important antidote to various forms of violence, including religious ones. It is not always acknowledged that the world’s most successful peace efforts are the fruits of interfaith dialogue.

The aim of this Reading Group is to explore the interaction between religion and violence, including armed conflict, terrorism, and genocide, as well as the role of religion and interfaith collaboration in promoting peace, justice, and reconciliation.

We will meet once a month via Zoom, for an hour, to discuss a specific topic related to peacebuilding and violence. An invited speaker will introduce and read a short text, followed by an open discussion. 

The Reading Group in open to anyone and we invite you to register your initial interest below.


International Interfaith Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Theol. Johannes Lähnemann, Member of the Standing Commission Interreligious Learning at the Religions for Peace (RfP), and Chair for Religious Education at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

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