Professor Tamás Biró is an Associate Professor and Vice-Rector for academic affairs at the Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies, Hungary (OR-ZSE), and a lecturer at the Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE).
Originally a physicist, theoretical linguist and scholar of Hebrew studies by training, he obtained his PhD in computational linguistics from the University of Groningen (the Netherlands, 2006). Since then, he has published on computational phonology, on cognitive science of religion approaches to Judaism, as well as on the neológ Jewish movement in Hungary. Most recently he co-edited with Ronit Nikolsky, István Czachesz and Frederick S. Tappenden the volume Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis: Interpreting Minds (Bloomsbury, 2019).